Wednesday, August 14, 2019


ABDOMINOPLASTY - TUMMY TUCK SURGERY ABDOMINOPLASTY TUMMY TUCK SURGERY Abdominoplasty or dermolipectomy (â€Å"tummy tuck†) is a procedure by which excess skin and subdermal tissue from the abdomen (so called hanging belly) are removed. Complete musculature of the abdominal wall is tightened. â€Å"Hanging belly† happens mostly to individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight or women who gave several births. Of course, hereditary elements play an important part. TUMMY TUCK CANDIDATES If you want to know if you are a candidate for dermolipectomy, you need to follow these indications: limp and loose belly, excess skin and fatty tissue on the belly, striae on the lower part of the belly and loose and separated muscles of the abdominal wall. PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT Patient preparation for the tummy tuck surgery usually starts during the first examination. The first step in preparation for the surgery is the patient’s consent. Very important part is to create that feeling of trust in the doctor-patient relationship. The patient will be informed of surgery process and what surgery includes. During the initial examination you’ll be asked to look in the mirror and show precisely what kind of change you would like to be done to your belly. During the examination you will give data of your medical history of illnesses or surgical treatments you had previously, medicine allergies, chronic infections, hypertension, diabetes, anemia. It is important to provide your doctor with complete information i.e. are you using some medication such as aspirin, estrogen, vitamin C, etc. Examination is performed in standing and lying position. During the examination, level of excess skin and subdermal fatty tissue has to be determined as well as degree of looseness of abdomen wall musculature and possible existence of ventral hernia. TUMMY TUCK PROCEDURE Tummy tuck incision is horizontally-oriented and is made in lower zone of the belly above pubic hairline and spreads lateral in the direction of pelvic bones. Length of the incision is determined by the level of looseness and skin excess. In general, incision is in line with the bathing suit, it is hidden so it can’t be seen on the beach. The complete complex of skin and subdermal tissue are prepared all the way to muscular fascia and up to ribs. Abdominal muscles are tightened and they are connected (plicated) shaping and forming new beautiful body contours. After that excess skin and subdermal tissue are tightened all the way up to navel which is removed. Then a new navel is created and has to look like the real one. Sometimes liposuction needs to be combined with this procedure. Drains are placed that are left for a few days. POSTOPERATIVE TREATMENT Drains will be removed after few days. Until then patient has to be in the position with bent legs. Sutures stay in place about 14 days. After tummy tuck surgery patient need to wear special corsets for a month after the surgery and to avoid physical strains for a month. One day after the surgery short walk is recommended. Patient has to get out of bed and go for a walk in bent position in order to increase blood circulation. Patient must avoid straining, sudden straightening and physical activities. Recommended time for having intercourse is at least after two weeks after the surgery. COMPLICATIONS Complications rarely occur. They are classified as early and late. Early complications include infection, hematoma, necrosis around the incision and usually occur with diabetics and smokers. Seroma can be developed after the surgery. It can accumulate under the skin and in lower parts of abdomen and can be there for a few months after the procedure. Later complications include appearance of hypertrophic scar. TUMMY TUCK COST Tummy tuck with muscle repair (dermolipectomia) 3000â‚ ¬

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